Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustments is a vital component of our local government. This group of dedicated citizen volunteers are charged with the responsibility of reviewing and deciding on requests for interpretations, variances, and special exceptions related to zoning regulations.

The Board is dedicated to ensuring fair and equitable treatment to all residents and property owners while upholding the integrity of our community's zoning regulations. We strive to balance the needs of individual property owners with the broader goals of our community's development and sustainability.

The primary functions of the Board of Adjustments include:
 - Interpretation: clarifying how the zoning ordinance applies to a specific situation or property.
 - Special Exception: permits a land use that is not typically allowed under the zoning ordinance, subject to certain conditions.
 - Variance: provides relief from the strict application of the zoning ordinance due to unique circumstances of the property that create practical difficulties or hardships.

Meetings of the Board of Adjustments are open to the public and are held on an as-needed basis. During these meetings, applicants present their cases, and the Board deliberates to reach decisions. We carefully consider each case based on its merits, taking into account the unique circumstances presented.

We encourage community involvement and welcome public input at our meetings. If you have questions, concerns, or are interested in the work of the Board of Adjustments, please feel free to attend our meetings or reach out to us.
  • Wallace Partridge  Chairperson
    Tom Steffan  Member
    Jared Jackson  Member
    Nancy Polis
    Brian Wilks
    Cali Schwarz
     Alternate Member
    Keith Young  Alternate Member

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